Saturday, 29 December 2012

Social Media Week Social Media Week 3 March 2013 @ Berjaya Time Square KL. Click image to vote ! Tweet Tweet.. Tweet Tweet.. I4TT PICASA COLLECTION Yang Mana Pilihan Kalbu?? Friday, 28 December 2012 WHAT MORE SECRET THAT LAY IN DAP'S HAND NEED TO BE REVEAL ?!! DAP has been very synonym with their racist, chauvinist, kiasu and anti-Malay-Islam attitude. The party also never really hide their agenda to abolish Malay rulers where they openly reject all the honor given by the institution. We see it as a symbol of total rejection towards Islam as the official religion in Malaysia. Generally, Malaysians are aware of who DAp really is. However, if we feel that we really know how DAP works through that description, it is not that correct. This is because, there is another thing about DAP where most Malaysians, Malays especially, are still not aware of, their Christianity agenda. The ones who aware of this matter would be the Chinese. Few of the blogs which revealed this matter include as well as They revealed how DAP's ceramah to the Chinese often say that there is a clear line between 'Malay Muslim' and the 'non-Malay non-Muslim' and then they would ask the 'non-Malay non-Muslim' to unite, in a way, to go against the 'Malay Muslim' (UMNO). Their expose is then supported with Malay-language blogs especially in Penang as well as current reports in media regarding the spreading murtad case. Few of the things which the blogs exposed include DAP's closed meeting which clearly mentioned the agenda of turning Malaysia into a Christian country. The murtad cases proved that the agenda is real when DAP leaders came forward to defend the church and tried to cover their trace, which they then managed to ensure that PAS sacked Dato’ Dr. Hasan Ali. DAP denied the report but they decided to keep quiet so that this would not turn to a big issue. Considering that most of the stories come from english-language blogs written by Chinese bloggers, DAP believe that their secret agenda is still safe. Especially when PAS took the approach of defending DAP in most issues, including the murtad issue, so DAP is convinced that they do not have to worry about any response from Muslims. It is true that as long as Pakatan Rakyat remain as the opposition, and as long as PAS and DAP need one another to get to Putrajaya, DAP's Christianity agenda could still be seen as a small thing for PAS and covered by DAP from the public. However, as long as its 'centre' of spreading the religion such as in Subang Jaya, Selangor is still under PR, DAP, and as long as they have the funds for it, it would still be able to spread in this country and it is not impossible that it would give a huge impact for Malaysia. Or worse, if PR gets to win the coming GE-13, considering that PR is taking the approach of 'win first, think later', we should expect a huge turmoil in the parliament which would never end. DAP would definitely be consistent with their hopes of developing a secular country which PAS would want to turn everything into Islam, which is opposed by DAP. Then, we are expecting that PAS leaders would bow down to DAP to ensure that their position would be safe. Having PAS giving up would definitely spread rage among Muslim rakyat including those who support UMNO because they could not bear seeing Malaysia being turned to a Secular country. Within less than a year, by 2014, demonstrations would be something routine and behind it, the fall of our country's economy. What we can expect if PR rules this country is not that different than the era of the brutal Indonesian Reformation. Bad economy had cost heavy burden to Indonesians. Those burden then led to anger. Their hate towards Chinese-Christians who monopolize the country's economy, then became even stronger. The hate was then translated to the slaughter, rape and robbery to the Chinese just to channel the anger. Finally, what began as an economic crisis, has turned to ethnic cleansing and 'Islam - Christian war'. If this happens in Malaysia where DAP stands on the fight for Christianity, it is not impossible that there would be another Crusade. Few from PAS would definitely say that this is just another scare tactic to avoid people from voting for PR. However, with all the records and expose, the question of trying to scare rakyat is out of the question because you should really, be scared. The question now is, does Hadi Awang and his followers believe that UMNO is kafir ??? Would they still fight for DAP ??? Or would they fight alongside UMNO and other Muslims to get their syahid ??? Anda mungkin juga meminati: ANWAR'S DAYDREAM IN SABAH !!! NOT RELATED TO ANY SABAHAN ... MANGSA TAMPIL MENDEDAHKAN PENYELEWENGAN WANG KUTIPAN ZAKAT ... YB MABUK YANG LANGGAR ANAK MELAYU KINI DIHIMPIT IGAUAN ... PEREMPUAN ISI NERAKA JAHANAM !!! EHH.. BUKAN PEREMPUAN NI ... SELANGOR BAKAL HILANG MB GAGAP DAN DIGANTI MB AISKRIM CAP ... LinkWithin Posted by Info 4 The Truth at 10:00 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Reactions: MAY 13TH TRAGEDY IS A NIGHTMARE THAT DAP WANNA CHANGE SO BADLY !!! For a party that has been around for so long, DAP should have known better that changing history is an impossible thing. People who try to change history are egoistic cowards who dare not look back and admit mistakes but rather live a lie and be proud of it. As we know, the Americans admitted their forefathers’ cruelty towards the native Indians and the Africans whom they robbed off of their rights. The new generations of Americans are not proud of what their forefathers did but they are ready to admit it and almost never hesitate to express their regret. This is the act of rightfulness, of people who uphold values and truly understand the meaning of civilization. The Chinese in DAP, however, is totally the opposite of the Americans for they have been continuously and tirelessly trying to block the ugly truth of their forefathers. It seems to be a natural thing for DAP to deny and refuse responsibility over the wrongs done by their people and they would go as far as re-writing history whenever they can. It isn’t a secret that DAP is fighting to paint a beautiful heroic picture of the communists instead of the cold-blooded, heartless terrorists who tortured and killed the innocence. Blogs, websites, books and even talks are held in the objective of planting the false pictures of the communists into the minds of the Malaysian youngsters. Often, the pictures would be immediately erased by the real heroes, such as the arm-forces and the villagers who had survived the communists’ attack. Combined with the British’s records on Malaya at the time, it would take a pure ignorant person to purposely deny the ugly truth about the communists. Naturally, evidence and witnesses aren’t hard to find to help us see which is the real picture. The same goes to the bloody history of May the 13th, 1969. Since things had calmed down and the DAP learned to accept the fact of living in a multiracial country that once belong only to the people they hate most, that is the Malays, it has been a long and unending effort of DAP to re-write the history of this tragedy. Same M.O is used in this course that is, blogs, websites, books, talks and everything and all cables and strings are pulled to achieve their goal. The recent article in the Edge Financial Daily is just one of the desperate attempts to make DAP looks like the ‘good guy’ on the 13th of May 1969. It all become much more important for DAP when the movie of the tragedy is about to take place in cinemas any time soon. For all we know, DAP has been screaming and jumping around since the news about the movie came out. The Edge had painfully but unsuccessfully trying to paint a different picture of the tragedy, echoing the DAPs words by making it looked like the fault of UMNO. Whereas, it all started with the hate campaign by DAP that brought down to the arrogant parade of the party to the streets. DAP was already over their head with arrogance and hatred that they actually marched into Kampung Baru which is basically a Malay area. It is important to note that the government led by UMNO had given DAP the permission to parade but to avoid Kampung Baru in order avoid tragedy. But DAP ignored the order. Blinded and overwhelmed by self-pride over their economic power, DAP told the Malays to ‘go die’ or go back to the jungle where they belong, and that they would kill all Malays. And what do you think would naturally happen when the Malays heard those words ??? And if DAP was the ‘good guy’, why would they march into a Malay area ??? Anyway, I believe by now all the countries in the world who have their own China Town, or Chinese dominated areas, would have trouble picturing DAP as the ‘good guy’. The arrogance and selfishness of these people is vivid and nobody would have trouble picturing them marching arrogantly and telling the Malays to go and die. And I understand that the Mat Salleh had studied on Malay characters before they actually invade us. I believe that the findings of the study itself would make DAP’s version of history seemed too far-fetched and ridiculous because Malays aren’t violent people. They are soft and they don’t mind sharing anything as long as they may continue living their easy life. The Malays aren’t driven to conquer and that’s why we see so many Sultans in Malaysia whereas, in other countries the Kings would have fought to conquer until there was only one of them left. This didn’t happen with the Malays. Even without record, we couldn’t see UMNO initiating or causing the May 13 tragedy, but we can clearly see DAP calling out the Malays to go to hell, even today, indirectly. Anda mungkin juga meminati: KONSPIRASI TERBARU ANWAR DI SAAT KEJATUHAN YANG DIJANGKA ... BODOH LAGI BAHALOL SI BROTHER ANWAR BIN IBRAHIM (BABI) !!! INILAH PADAH BILA ADA "MB" YANG SERBA TIDAK TAHU !!! THE MOST AMAZING BRAVE AND DARING PRIME MINISTER, DATO' SRI ... VIDEO - TUN M VS KARPAL !!! HEBATNYA TUN M WALAU TIADA ... LinkWithin Posted by Info 4 The Truth at 06:00 2 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Reactions: Wednesday, 26 December 2012 AMBABIGA BUAT HAL LAGI CUBA CETUS PERMUSUHAN ANTARA MELAYU !!! Anwar Ibrahim yang menggunakan platform Bersih melalui Ambiga Sreenavasan nampaknya semakin tertekan apabila rayuannya kepada kerajaan Australia untuk masuk campur dalam proses pilihan raya negara ini ditolak mentah-mentah. Anwar kemudian terpaksa menggunakan pengaruhnya susulan kegagalan Ambiga yang sebelum itu berkempen di negara itu untuk tujuan yang sama tetapi menerima jawapan negatif dari Kementerian Luar Australia. Malu Anwar bukan kepalang apabila menerima respons yang negatif dari Menteri Luar Bob Carr. Kata Carr kerajaan Australia bukan berfungsi sebagai badan pemantau Suruhan Jaya Pilihan Raya dan sudah tentunya bukan tugasnya untuk mencampuri urusan dalaman Malaysia. Apabila pihak asing tidak lagi berminat untuk mendokong agenda peribadi Anwar menerusi Bersih, kini Ambiga beriya-iya pula mahu melancarkan program 'Jom Pantau' baru-baru ini. Program itu kononnya akan menggerakkan rakyat bagi memantau proses pilihan raya pada PRU13 nanti untuk memastikan ia berjalan tanpa sebarang unsur penyelewengan dan penipuan. Pembangkang amat senang mencari kesalahan dan keburukan orang lain tapi apabila terkena batang hidung terus membisu dan buat pekak telinga. Contohnya pemilihan PKR dua tahun lalu penuh dengan gejala rasuah, nepotisme dan kronisme namun semua aduan dan bantahan disenyapkan oleh Anwar kerana mahu memenangkan kumpulan yang menyokong Azmin Ali. Semua calon yang tidak sebulu dengan Azmin yang bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden dicantas dan dipastikan tidak mendapat undi atau digugurkan nama mereka pada saat akhir. Calon-calon anti-Azmin menghadapi laluan amat sukar kerana kawalan ketat kroni rapat Anwar itu akan memastikan Jawatankuasa Pemantau Pemilihan akan mencari setiap kesalahan bagi menafikan mereka daripada bertanding. Akhirnya apabila keputusan diumumkan, lebih 90 peratus barisan pemimpin Majlis Pimpinan Pusat adalah kroni-kroni Azmin termasuk juga majoriti ketua-ketua cabang PKR diseluruh negara. Jika Anwar ingin bersihkan proses pilihan raya negara ini telus dan adil, pastikan beliau cuci dahulu semua kekotoran yang menyelaputi proses pemilihan partinya terlebih dahulu. Namun pilihan raya yang bersih, adil dan telus bukannya objektif sebenar Anwar atau Ambiga. Jika diperhatikan perjalanan tiga perhimpunan Bersih yang telah diadakan sejak tahun 2007, trendnya bukan untuk menuntut pelaksanaan lapan tuntutan yang dikemukakan kepada SPR tetapi sebagai satu cara mencetuskan huru-hara, ketidakstabilan dan rusuhan jalanan. Lebih-lebih seruan Ambiga sebagai Pengerusi Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0) mengajak rakyat berpartisipasi dalam program 'Jom Pantau' kononnya sebagai pemerhati dalam PRU13 adalah taktik untuk memecahbelahkan lagi perpaduan orang Melayu. Ini kerana perhimpunan Bersih 1.0, 2.0 dan 3.0 menyaksikan majoriti peserta yang mengambil bahagian adalah terdiri daripada orang Melayu terutamanya golongan muda dan belia. Amat sedikit sekali peserta ketiga-tiga demonstrasi anjuran Bersih disertai oleh kaum Cina apatah lagi kaum India, lantas menimbulkan syak wasangka apakah sebenarnya tujuan bersih. Politik Melayu telah berpecah tiga kepada UMNO, PAS dan PKR dan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Ambiga adalah untuk memburukkan lagi retak pada perpaduan Melayu. Jika ramai belia, remaja dan muda-mudi Melayu dapat dipengaruhi menyertai program-program Bersih maka ini akan melemahkan sokongan kepada UMNO dan apabila parti tulang belakang Barisan Nasional itu hilang kekuatan, senanglah pembangkang menyerang kerajaan bertubi-tubi. Inilah hasil daripada agenda dana asing diakui diterima oleh Ambiga sendiri. Maka Bersih bukanlah usaha murni kononnya untuk menegakkan keadilan dan ketelusan dalam proses pilihan raya tetapi merupakan landasan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan melalui kekecohan yang timbul daripada perhimpunan yang diadakan. Bersih berselindung di sebalik gerakan massa untuk melemahkan bangsa Melayu dengan melaga-lagakan mereka. Apa yang Ambiga mahu lihat daripada perhimpunan Bersih ialah orang Melayu berkelahi sesama sendiri dan kuasa politik mereka diperkotak-katikkan. Dengan itu senanglah pihak asing yang selama ini membiayai Anwar serta PKR dan gerakan berlandaskan pengaruh rakyat seperti Bersih, Suaram, anti-Lynas dan sebagainya, melaksanakan program kawalan asing ke atas negara ini. Janganlah terlalu asyik dilayan slogan-slogan yang pro-rakyat sehingga lupa maksud yang tersirat. Hakikatnya Ambiga tidak berminat untuk melihat pilihan raya yang bersih atau adil dan orang Melayu yang menyokong Bersih hanyalah kuda tunggangan yang tidak sedar mereka sedang dieksploitasi dengan mudah. Anda mungkin juga meminati: MALU !!! AMBABIGA KENA HALAU DARI AUSTRALIA !!! WAJIB BACA !!! DEMI UNDI ANWAR NEKAD MENGHAPUSKAN HAK ... APAKAH NILAI BANGSA MELAYU DISISI DAP YANG SEBENAR ?!! MELAYU TAK BODOH CUMA DAP YANG BANGANG NAK MAMPOS !!! ULTRA KIASU TAK PERNAH PADAM SENTIMEN ANTI MELAYU-ISLAM !!! ... LinkWithin Posted by Info 4 The Truth at 16:30 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Reactions: MANGSA BANJIR MENINGKAT DI PANTAI TIMUR !!! Gambar sekadar hiasan dari peristiwa banjir di Selangor minggu lepas. Keadaan banjir di Terengganu, Kelantan dan Pahang semakin buruk Selasa petang dengan maklumat terkini menunjukkan lebih 10,800 mangsa dipindahkan berbanding lebih 6,000 mangsa pada sebelah pagi. Seramai 5,297 mangsa dipindahkan di Terengganu berbanding 2,594 pada sebelah pagi dan jumlah mangsa banjir di Kelantan meningkat kepada 3,218 berbanding 1,963 pada sebelah pagi, menurut portal rasmi kerajaan negeri masing-masing. Menurut portal banjir Majlis Keselamatan Negara pula, sejumlah 2,376 mangsa dipindahkan di Pahang berbanding 1,743 pada pagi manakala mangsa banjir di Johor kekal 16 orang. Di Terengganu, mangsa banjir di Hulu Terengganu meningkat kepada 1,052 orang Selasa petang manakala Kuala Terengganu menyaksikan pertambahan 91 mangsa kepada 808. Bilangan mangsa di Besut ialah 1,096 diikuti Dungun (744), Setiu (717), Kemaman (611) dan Marang (269). Pusat penempatan banjir yang beroperasi di Terengganu ialah di daerah Besut (16), Dungun (12), Hulu Terengganu (16), Kemaman (13), Kuala Terengganu (lapan), Marang (10) dan Setiu (18). Di KELANTAN, jumlah terbesar mangsa dipindahkan ialah di Pasir Mas iaitu 2,049 diikuti Kuala Krai (355), Kota Baharu (264), Tanah Merah (217), Pasir Puteh (245), Machang (47) dan Tumpat (41). Sungai Lebir di Tualang, Kuala Krai; Sungai Kelantan di Jambatan Guillemard, Tanah Merah; dan Sungai Golok di Jenob, Tanah Merah dan Rantau Panjang masih mencatat bacaan di atas paras bahaya, menurut portal rasmi kerajaan negeri itu. Di PAHANG, 2,152 mangsa dipindahkan di Kuantan, Pekan (167) dan Rompin (57). Dalam pada itu, Tengku Mahkota Pahang Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah yang melawat mangsa banjir di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sinar Mutiara di Pekan berharap mereka bersabar. - BERNAMA Anda mungkin juga meminati: LEBIH 6 RIBU MANGSA BANJIR DI PANTAI TIMUR DIPINDAHKAN !!! SELANGOR JUMLAH TERTINGGI MANGSA BANJIR DIPINDAHKAN !!! ... KLANG BANJIR - WABAK PENYAKIT BARU DIKESAN !!! LIVE !!! BANJIR DI KLANG - MANA KHALID GAGAP NI !!! LIVE : BANJIR DI BAYAN BARU !!! LinkWithin Posted by Info 4 The Truth at 12:00 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Reactions: GUAN ENG KANTOI CUBA TUTUP RAHSIA RASUAH TANAH !!! Tindakan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng yang membangkitkan semula isu menuntut agar Kerajaan Persekutuan membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Injil versi bahasa Melayu hanyalah satu taktik untuk mengalihkan pandangan rakyat. Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam berkata, ketika ini, dua pemimpin kanan DAP Perak, Ngeh Koo Ham dan Nga Kor Ming sedang berhadapan kecaman daripada pelbagai pihak berhubung tuduhan menerima habuan daripada kerajaan negeri Kelantan membabitkan tanah seluas 4,259.9 hektar di Relai, Chiku, Gua Musang. Katanya, isu tersebut telah mencalarkan imej parti itu menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 tidak lama lagi dan bagi mengalihkan pandangan rakyat terhadap isu berkenaan, Guan Eng menimbulkan semula isu penggunaan kalimah Allah menerusi perutusan khas Hari Krismas di laman blognya baru-baru ini. "Pada pendapat saya, Guan Eng cuba bangkitkan semula isu kalimah Allah ini kerana dia cuba hendak alihkan perhatian rakyat terhadap isu lebih besar yang dihadapi dua pemimpin parti DAP Perak yang dituduh menerima habuan tanah daripada kerajaan negeri Kelantan. "Inilah sikap mereka (DAP). Bila timbul isu melibatkan pemimpin mereka, mereka akan cuba alihkan pandangan rakyat dengan menimbulkan isu lain tetapi saya percaya rakyat mahukan penjelasan mengenai isu melibatkan dua pemimpin DAP berkenaan kerana ia isu besar yang melibatkan kerugian jutaan ringgit kepada rakyat negeri Kelantan," katanya selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Pekida) ke-18 di sini semalam. Anda mungkin juga meminati: KALIMAH ALLAH UNTUK KRISTIAN - PAS DENGAN GUAN ENG GADUH ... GUAN ENG DISAYANGI PEMAJU - RAKYAT TAK SABAR NAK TENDANG ... VIDEO SKANDAL GUAN ENG JADI ISU HANGAT KALANGAN AHLI DAP !!! ORANG MELAYU ISLAM WAJIB BACA !!! 60 SEBAB DAP WAJIB ... SUMPAH GUAN ENG UNTUK MUSNAHKAN MELAYU !!! ANAK KEPADA BAPA ... LinkWithin Posted by Info 4 The Truth at 10:00 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Reactions: HARUN DIN MENGAMUK - APA KATA NIK AZIZ ?!!


Social Media Week

Social Media Week
3 March 2013 @ Berjaya Time Square KL. Click image to vote !

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Yang Mana Pilihan Kalbu??

Friday, 28 December 2012


DAP has been very synonym with their racist, chauvinist, kiasu and anti-Malay-Islam attitude. 

The party also never really hide their agenda to abolish Malay rulers where they openly reject all the honor given by the institution. 

We see it as a symbol of total rejection towards Islam as the official religion in Malaysia.

Generally, Malaysians are aware of who DAp really is. 

However, if we feel that we really know how DAP works through that description, it is not that correct.

This is because, there is another thing about DAP where most Malaysians, Malays especially, are still not aware of, their Christianity agenda.

The ones who aware of this matter would be the Chinese. 

Few of the blogs which revealed this matter include as well as

They revealed how DAP's ceramah to the Chinese often say that there is a clear line between 'Malay Muslim' and the 'non-Malay non-Muslim' and then they would ask the 'non-Malay non-Muslim' to unite, in a way, to go against the 'Malay Muslim' (UMNO). 

Their expose is then supported with Malay-language blogs especially in Penang as well as current reports in media regarding the spreading murtad case.

Few of the things which the blogs exposed include DAP's closed meeting which clearly mentioned the agenda of turning Malaysia into a Christian country. 

The murtad cases proved that the agenda is real when DAP leaders came forward to defend the church and tried to cover their trace, which they then managed to ensure that PAS sacked Dato’ Dr. Hasan Ali.

DAP denied the report but they decided to keep quiet so that this would not turn to a big issue. 

Considering that most of the stories come from english-language blogs written by Chinese bloggers, DAP believe that their secret agenda is still safe. 

Especially when PAS took the approach of defending DAP in most issues, including the murtad issue, so DAP is convinced that they do not have to worry about any response from Muslims.

It is true that as long as Pakatan Rakyat remain as the opposition, and as long as PAS and DAP need one another to get to Putrajaya, DAP's Christianity agenda could still be seen as a small thing for PAS and covered by DAP from the public.

However, as long as its 'centre' of spreading the religion such as in Subang Jaya, Selangor is still under PR, DAP, and as long as they have the funds for it, it would still be able to spread in this country and it is not impossible that it would give a huge impact for Malaysia.

Or worse, if PR gets to win the coming GE-13, considering that PR is taking the approach of 'win first, think later', we should expect a huge turmoil in the parliament which would never end. 

DAP would definitely be consistent with their hopes of developing a secular country which PAS would want to turn everything into Islam, which is opposed by DAP.

Then, we are expecting that PAS leaders would bow down to DAP to ensure that their position would be safe. 

Having PAS giving up would definitely spread rage among Muslim rakyat including those who support UMNO because they could not bear seeing Malaysia being turned to a Secular country.

Within less than a year, by 2014, demonstrations would be something routine and behind it, the fall of our country's economy.

What we can expect if PR rules this country is not that different than the era of the brutal Indonesian Reformation. 

Bad economy had cost heavy burden to Indonesians. 

Those burden then led to anger. 

Their hate towards Chinese-Christians who monopolize the country's economy, then became even stronger. 

The hate was then translated to the slaughter, rape and robbery to the Chinese just to channel the anger. 

Finally, what began as an economic crisis, has turned to ethnic cleansing and 'Islam - Christian war'.

If this happens in Malaysia where DAP stands on the fight for Christianity, it is not impossible that there would be another Crusade.

Few from PAS would definitely say that this is just another scare tactic to avoid people from voting for PR. 

However, with all the records and expose, the question of trying to scare rakyat is out of the question because you should really, be scared.

The question now is, does Hadi Awang and his followers believe that UMNO is kafir ??? 

Would they still fight for DAP ??? 

Or would they fight alongside UMNO and other Muslims to get their syahid ???


For a party that has been around for so long, DAP should have known better that changing history is an impossible thing.  

People who try to change history are egoistic cowards who dare not look back and admit mistakes but rather live a lie and be proud of it.  

As we know, the Americans admitted their forefathers’ cruelty towards the native Indians and the Africans whom they robbed off of their rights.   

The new generations of Americans are not proud of what their forefathers did but they are ready to admit it and almost never hesitate to express their regret.   

This is the act of rightfulness, of people who uphold values and truly understand the meaning of civilization.  

The Chinese in DAP, however, is totally the opposite of the Americans for they have been continuously and tirelessly trying to block the ugly truth of their forefathers.   

It seems to be a natural thing for DAP to deny and refuse responsibility over the wrongs done by their people and they would go as far as re-writing history whenever they can.  

It isn’t a secret that DAP is fighting to paint a beautiful heroic picture of the communists instead of the cold-blooded, heartless terrorists who tortured and killed the innocence.   

Blogs, websites, books and even talks are held in the objective of planting the false pictures of the communists into the minds of the Malaysian youngsters.  

Often, the pictures would be immediately erased by the real heroes, such as the arm-forces and the villagers who had survived the communists’ attack.   

Combined with the British’s records on Malaya at the time, it would take a pure ignorant person to purposely deny the ugly truth about the communists.  

Naturally, evidence and witnesses aren’t hard to find to help us see which is the real picture.  

The same goes to the bloody history of May the 13th, 1969.   

Since things had calmed down and the DAP learned to accept the fact of living in a multiracial country that once belong only to the people they hate most, that is the Malays, it has been a long and unending effort of DAP to re-write the history of this tragedy.  

Same M.O is used in this course that is, blogs, websites, books, talks and everything and all cables and strings are pulled to achieve their goal.  

The recent article in the Edge Financial Daily is just one of the desperate attempts to make DAP looks like the ‘good guy’ on the 13th of May 1969.   

It all become much more important for DAP when the movie of the tragedy is about to take place in cinemas any time soon.  

For all we know, DAP has been screaming and jumping around since the news about the movie came out.  

The Edge had painfully but unsuccessfully trying to paint a different picture of the tragedy, echoing the DAPs words by making it looked like the fault of UMNO.  

Whereas, it all started with the hate campaign by DAP that brought down to the arrogant parade of the party to the streets.   

DAP was already over their head with arrogance and hatred that they actually marched into Kampung Baru which is basically a Malay area.   

It is important to note that the government led by UMNO had given DAP the permission to parade but to avoid Kampung Baru in order  avoid tragedy.   

But DAP ignored the order. 

Blinded and overwhelmed by self-pride over their economic power, DAP told the Malays to ‘go die’ or go back to the jungle where they belong, and that they would kill all Malays.  

And what do you think would naturally happen when the Malays heard those words ???  

And if DAP was the ‘good guy’, why would they march into a Malay area ???   

Anyway, I believe by now all the countries in the world who have their own China Town, or Chinese dominated areas, would have trouble picturing DAP as the ‘good guy’.  

The arrogance and selfishness  of these people is vivid and nobody would have trouble picturing them marching arrogantly and telling the Malays to go and die.   

And I understand that the Mat Salleh had studied on Malay characters before they actually invade us.  

I believe that the findings of the study itself would make DAP’s version of history seemed too far-fetched and ridiculous because Malays aren’t violent people.  

They are soft and they don’t mind sharing anything as long as they may continue living their easy life.   

The Malays aren’t driven to conquer and that’s why we see so many Sultans in Malaysia whereas, in other countries the Kings would have fought to conquer until there was only one of them left.  

This didn’t happen with the Malays. 

Even without record, we couldn’t see UMNO initiating or causing the May 13 tragedy, but we can clearly see DAP calling out the Malays to go to hell, even today, indirectly.  

Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Anwar Ibrahim yang menggunakan platform Bersih melalui Ambiga Sreenavasan nampaknya semakin tertekan apabila rayuannya kepada kerajaan Australia untuk masuk campur dalam proses pilihan raya negara ini ditolak mentah-mentah.

Anwar kemudian terpaksa menggunakan pengaruhnya susulan kegagalan Ambiga yang sebelum itu berkempen di negara itu untuk tujuan yang sama tetapi menerima jawapan negatif dari Kementerian Luar Australia. 

Malu Anwar bukan kepalang apabila menerima respons yang negatif dari Menteri Luar Bob Carr.

Kata Carr kerajaan Australia bukan berfungsi sebagai badan pemantau Suruhan Jaya Pilihan Raya dan sudah tentunya bukan tugasnya untuk mencampuri urusan dalaman Malaysia.

Apabila pihak asing tidak lagi berminat untuk mendokong agenda peribadi Anwar menerusi Bersih, kini Ambiga beriya-iya pula mahu melancarkan program 'Jom Pantau' baru-baru ini.

Program itu kononnya akan menggerakkan rakyat bagi memantau proses pilihan raya pada PRU13 nanti untuk memastikan ia berjalan tanpa sebarang unsur penyelewengan dan penipuan.

Pembangkang amat senang mencari kesalahan dan keburukan orang lain tapi apabila terkena batang hidung terus membisu dan buat pekak telinga.

Contohnya pemilihan PKR dua tahun lalu penuh dengan gejala rasuah, nepotisme dan kronisme namun semua aduan dan bantahan disenyapkan oleh Anwar kerana mahu memenangkan kumpulan yang menyokong Azmin Ali.

Semua calon yang tidak sebulu dengan Azmin yang bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden dicantas dan dipastikan tidak mendapat undi atau digugurkan nama mereka pada saat akhir.

Calon-calon anti-Azmin menghadapi laluan amat sukar kerana kawalan ketat kroni rapat Anwar itu akan memastikan Jawatankuasa Pemantau Pemilihan akan mencari setiap kesalahan bagi menafikan mereka daripada bertanding.

Akhirnya apabila keputusan diumumkan, lebih 90 peratus barisan pemimpin Majlis Pimpinan Pusat adalah kroni-kroni Azmin termasuk juga majoriti ketua-ketua cabang PKR diseluruh negara.

Jika Anwar ingin bersihkan proses pilihan raya negara ini telus dan adil, pastikan beliau cuci dahulu semua kekotoran yang menyelaputi proses pemilihan partinya terlebih dahulu. 

Namun pilihan raya yang bersih, adil dan telus bukannya objektif sebenar Anwar atau Ambiga.

Jika diperhatikan perjalanan tiga perhimpunan Bersih yang telah diadakan sejak tahun 2007, trendnya bukan untuk menuntut pelaksanaan lapan tuntutan yang dikemukakan kepada SPR tetapi sebagai satu cara mencetuskan huru-hara, ketidakstabilan dan rusuhan jalanan. 

Lebih-lebih seruan Ambiga sebagai Pengerusi Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih 2.0) mengajak rakyat berpartisipasi dalam program 'Jom Pantau' kononnya sebagai pemerhati dalam PRU13 adalah taktik untuk memecahbelahkan lagi perpaduan orang Melayu.

Ini kerana perhimpunan Bersih 1.0, 2.0 dan 3.0 menyaksikan majoriti peserta yang mengambil bahagian adalah terdiri daripada orang Melayu terutamanya golongan muda dan belia.

Amat sedikit sekali peserta ketiga-tiga demonstrasi anjuran Bersih disertai oleh kaum Cina apatah lagi kaum India, lantas menimbulkan syak wasangka apakah sebenarnya tujuan bersih.

Politik Melayu telah berpecah tiga kepada UMNO, PAS dan PKR dan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Ambiga adalah untuk memburukkan lagi retak pada perpaduan Melayu.

Jika ramai belia, remaja dan muda-mudi Melayu dapat dipengaruhi menyertai program-program Bersih maka ini akan melemahkan sokongan kepada UMNO dan apabila parti tulang belakang Barisan Nasional itu hilang kekuatan, senanglah pembangkang menyerang kerajaan bertubi-tubi.

Inilah hasil daripada agenda dana asing diakui diterima oleh Ambiga sendiri.

Maka Bersih bukanlah usaha murni kononnya untuk menegakkan keadilan dan ketelusan dalam proses pilihan raya tetapi merupakan landasan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan melalui kekecohan yang timbul daripada perhimpunan yang diadakan.

Bersih berselindung di sebalik gerakan massa untuk melemahkan bangsa Melayu dengan melaga-lagakan mereka.

Apa yang Ambiga mahu lihat daripada perhimpunan Bersih ialah orang Melayu berkelahi sesama sendiri dan kuasa politik mereka diperkotak-katikkan.

Dengan itu senanglah pihak asing yang selama ini membiayai Anwar serta PKR dan gerakan berlandaskan pengaruh rakyat seperti Bersih, Suaram, anti-Lynas dan sebagainya, melaksanakan program kawalan asing ke atas negara ini.

Janganlah terlalu asyik dilayan slogan-slogan yang pro-rakyat sehingga lupa maksud yang tersirat.

Hakikatnya Ambiga tidak berminat untuk melihat pilihan raya yang bersih atau adil dan orang Melayu yang menyokong Bersih hanyalah kuda tunggangan yang tidak sedar mereka sedang dieksploitasi dengan mudah.


Gambar sekadar hiasan dari peristiwa banjir di Selangor minggu lepas.

Keadaan banjir di Terengganu, Kelantan dan Pahang semakin buruk Selasa petang dengan maklumat terkini menunjukkan lebih 10,800 mangsa dipindahkan berbanding lebih 6,000 mangsa pada sebelah pagi.

Seramai 5,297 mangsa dipindahkan di Terengganu berbanding 2,594 pada sebelah pagi dan jumlah mangsa banjir di Kelantan meningkat kepada 3,218 berbanding 1,963 pada sebelah pagi, menurut portal rasmi kerajaan negeri masing-masing.

Menurut portal banjir Majlis Keselamatan Negara pula, sejumlah 2,376 mangsa dipindahkan di Pahang berbanding 1,743 pada pagi manakala mangsa banjir di Johor kekal 16 orang.

Di Terengganu, mangsa banjir di Hulu Terengganu meningkat kepada 1,052 orang Selasa petang manakala Kuala Terengganu menyaksikan pertambahan 91 mangsa kepada 808.

Bilangan mangsa di Besut ialah 1,096 diikuti Dungun (744), Setiu (717), Kemaman (611) dan Marang (269).

Pusat penempatan banjir yang beroperasi di Terengganu ialah di daerah Besut (16), Dungun (12), Hulu Terengganu (16), Kemaman (13), Kuala Terengganu (lapan), Marang (10) dan Setiu (18).

Di KELANTAN, jumlah terbesar mangsa dipindahkan ialah di Pasir Mas iaitu 2,049 diikuti Kuala Krai (355), Kota Baharu (264), Tanah Merah (217), Pasir Puteh (245), Machang (47) dan Tumpat (41).

Sungai Lebir di Tualang, Kuala Krai; Sungai Kelantan di Jambatan Guillemard, Tanah Merah; dan Sungai Golok di Jenob, Tanah Merah dan Rantau Panjang masih mencatat bacaan di atas paras bahaya, menurut portal rasmi kerajaan negeri itu.

Di PAHANG, 2,152 mangsa dipindahkan di Kuantan, Pekan (167) dan Rompin (57).

Dalam pada itu, Tengku Mahkota Pahang Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah yang melawat mangsa banjir di Sekolah Kebangsaan Sinar Mutiara di Pekan berharap mereka bersabar. - BERNAMA


Tindakan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng yang membangkitkan semula isu menuntut agar Kerajaan Persekutuan membenarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam Injil versi bahasa Melayu hanyalah satu taktik untuk mengalihkan pandangan rakyat.

Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Mohd. Ali Rustam berkata, ketika ini, dua pemimpin kanan DAP Perak, Ngeh Koo Ham dan Nga Kor Ming sedang berhadapan kecaman daripada pelbagai pihak berhubung tuduhan menerima habuan daripada kerajaan negeri Kelantan membabitkan tanah seluas 4,259.9 hektar di Relai, Chiku, Gua Musang.

Katanya, isu tersebut telah mencalarkan imej parti itu menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13 tidak lama lagi dan bagi mengalihkan pandangan rakyat terhadap isu berkenaan, Guan Eng menimbulkan semula isu penggunaan kalimah Allah menerusi perutusan khas Hari Krismas di laman blognya baru-baru ini.

"Pada pendapat saya, Guan Eng cuba bangkitkan semula isu kalimah Allah ini kerana dia cuba hendak alihkan perhatian rakyat terhadap isu lebih besar yang dihadapi dua pemimpin parti DAP Perak yang dituduh menerima habuan tanah daripada kerajaan negeri Kelantan.

"Inilah sikap mereka (DAP). Bila timbul isu melibatkan pemimpin mereka, mereka akan cuba alihkan pandangan rakyat dengan menimbulkan isu lain tetapi saya percaya rakyat mahukan penjelasan mengenai isu melibatkan dua pemimpin DAP berkenaan kerana ia isu besar yang melibatkan kerugian jutaan ringgit kepada rakyat negeri Kelantan," katanya selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Pertubuhan Kebajikan dan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Pekida) ke-18 di sini semalam.


Ketika Ketua Pembangkang, Anwar Ibrahim berkempen kalimah Allah patut diberi kepada penganut Kristian, Timbalan Mursyidul Am PAS, Haron Din pada tahun 2010 pernah ‘mufarakah’ daripada PAS semata-mata untuk mempertahankannya.

Walaupun Abdul Hadi Awang didakwa menyokong kenyataan Ketua Pakatan, Anwar, namun Presiden PAS itu tidak turun padang melobi penggunaan kalimah Allah itu kepada Kristian sebagaimana yang dilakukan secara agresif oleh Ketua Umum PKR.

Sebaliknya, sebagai menentang hujah Anwar, Haron Din turun padang atas kapasiti individu.
 Haron Din ketika dirakamkan ucapannya oleh Mahaguru58 bertegas mengatakan menyokong kepada sesuatu perkara yang salah di sisi Islam boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kekufuran dan syirik.

Sambil memetik surah Al-Maidah ayat 73 yang bermksud, 

“Sesungguhnya kafirlah orang-orang yang mengatakan bahawa Tuhan itu ada tiga, tidak ada Tuhan yang kamu nak sembah melainkan Allah Yang Tunggal, Haron berkata sepatutnya perkara ini sudah selesai kerana menjadi milik Islam.

“Orang Islam sepatutnya tidak ada keraguan dalam dirinya, inilah Allah yang kita sembah dan tidak boleh kita benarkan atau kita katakan boleh digunakan oleh mana-mana agama untuk menggunakan perkataan Allah.

“Soalan yang saya nak tujukan kepada orang yang merasakan bebas berfikir, bebas bersuara, bebas menyokong apa sahaja..kalau kita sokong..sokong maknanya bersetuju, sokong juga maknanya menolong..,” katanya.

Menurutnya, Islam mempunyai kaedah dalam konsep tolong-menolong, iaitu tolong-menolong kearah perkara yang mendatangkan kebajikan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah swt serta menghindari perbuatan dosa.

“Kalau kita sokong Allah ini untuk orang-orang Kristian, Katolik, mereka nak buat apa dengan Allah Taala ini ? Nak Mengesakan Allah atau nak mensyirikkan Allah swt ?

“Saya kata syirik dan syirik ini, satu kezaliman yang cukup besar,“ katanya.

Menurutnya lagi, jika seseorang itu terjatuh dalam amalan syirik, semua kebaikan yang pernah dilakukan sebelum ini sebelum ini, semuanya terhapus.

“Mahukah perkara syirik seperti ini, kita terlibat ? Nauzubillah. Jadi saya tak nampak kalau orang Islam yang faham ini, dia nak buat perkara syirik,”

Dalam satu lagi rakaman kepada TV PAS Haron secara konsisten menegaskan beliau amat terkilan dan tidak bersetuju kalimah Allah dikongsi dengan penganut lain.

Sambil merujuk Bible, Haron berkata, “Daripada halaman awalnya, chapter satu lagi, saya lihat.. diguna perkataan ‘God’

“Di dalam ini sahaja, ada tidak kurang 30 kali perkataan ‘god’. Halaman dua, tiga, penuh dengan perkataan ‘Lord’..sterusnya, ‘Jesus’.

“Sampai sepanjang Bible ini, saya tidak bertemu perkataan Allah.”

- AIDC -

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